Shell Pipeline Company – IE-SOAR

Improving pipeline inspection operations with fuel cell powered UAVs

IE-SOAR fuel cells enable Shell to greater distances in a single day due to cover greater distances.

The Falcon Ethane Pipeline System is a 97-mile common carrier ethane supply pipeline located in Southwestern Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio.

Shell’s safety responsibilities require fortnightly aerial inspection of the pipeline, carried out by operator AviSight. These are specifically checking for pipeline integrity, right-of- way maintenance vegetative growth and slope stability inspection.

IE-SOAR fuel cells allow AVISIGHT to complete inspection of the pipeline in a single day. This was previously impossible using a petrol hybrid or battery solution.

Applications for IE-SOAR:

  • Parcel delivery
  • Linear Inspection
  • Cinematography
  • Civil Inspection
  • Agriculture
  • Military Surveillance
  • LiDAR and Mapping

“After over 300 hours operating the identical Harris Aerial H6 airframe with an internal combustion engine generator, it did not take long to realize the benefits of the hydrogen fuel cell power delivery system.

Almost non-existent noise pollution, maintenance free operation, and smooth but plentiful power delivery make the IE’S fuel cell powered H6 Hydrone a pleasure to operate.”

– Barret L. Wilde Chief Pilot AviSight, Inc.
